Affectieve psychose
- GGZ Standaarden Affective psychoses comprise bipolar I and II disorders with psychotic features, and major depressive disorder with psychotic features. You might find these chapters and articles .
- Affective psychosis | definition of affective psychosis by Medical dictionary Machine Learning and Non-Affective Psychosis: Identification, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment. Ferrara M, Franchini G, Funaro M, Cutroni M, Valier B, Toffanin T, Palagini L, .
- What is AFFECTIVE PSYCHOSIS? definition of AFFECTIVE PSYCHOSIS (Psychology Dictionary) a mental illness which takes place in the framework of serious significant depressive attacks or frenzied attacks. The disturbance to the state of mind occurs prior to the signs of .
- Main Navigation Affective psychoses comprise bipolar I and II disorders with psychotic features, and major depressive disorder with psychotic features.
Definition | . |
affective psychosis | . |
Over psychose - Kenniscentrum PhrenosKenniscentrum Phrenos | . |